Friday, December 4, 2015

Living Thanksgiving Afuera

Thanksgiving was the second day of our trip to Patagonia. I could not have possibly spent my first Thanksgiving a better way. It's true that I was not with my biological family, or even my Chilean family. But, I was with my exchange student family, and they really are one of my families. 
I didn't get to eat turkey, stuffing, cranberry salad, or mashed potatoes. Not even a pumpkin pie. But, I did get to see some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life, hang out with exchange students, and eat asado. So, it might not have been the most traditional Thanksgiving that I've ever had, but I was still very much in the spirit. And very thankful for the life I have and the people I share it with.

Where my Unitedstatesianans at!?! YAY! 

here they are. my district 4355 family. <3
One of my two fellow amigos in Temuco.
jajajaja. we do a lot together

Give me some USA!!
I really need to get a Chilean flag because I feel weird walking around with a USA one all the time.
Plus it was a pain to burn it on the spot when I dropped it on the ground. ;-)
jk. But they're going to revoke my USA citizenship for not folding it into triangles.

This is my other fellow Temocoen, and probably my best friend. I love her to death.

The following pictures were part of a cool museum in Punto Arenas, and the taxidermy is more than 100 years old.

Condor!! The national bird of Chile! I think it needs to be holding a flag in it's beak...

different type of condor... I'm sure they're prettier in real life.

Jewelry from the natives of Punto Arenas. I totally want a necklace like that if you need Christmas ideas.

The evolution of the Chilean coins. If you zoom in you can see whats on them.

This is the chair of a Papa. Not a potato. A Pope. Either John Paul I or II, I can't remember.
If I sat in this chair, I would fall asleep.

The cemetery of Punto Arenas.

I would love to get buried here. But even better, I want my ashes to be scattered in the Torres del Paine.

a giant, green... finger.

Here's the asado that we ate for Thanksgiving.

the farm we went to for the asado had peacocks...

...and sheep....

The wool from one sheep makes about 6 socks.

... and nandous

... and guanacos

... and llamas. I think it was like a mini zoo.

how pretty... don't smoke guys

the church of Puerto Natales

there are a lot of stray dogs in Chile. I could talk for a hour about it.

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